Live Webinars

Digital Adoption with Userlane

Sectors: Non sector-specific
Processes: Project Management, Change Management, IT, Quality Management, Intralogistics, Warehouse control, Manufacturing, Service & Support, Sales, Marketing, Data Management, Human Resources Management, Finance & Controlling, Analytics

Duration of webinar: approx. 45 minutes

Technology has fundamentally changed the way we live and work. However, new software in a company does not automatically make employees more productive, customers more satisfied or the company more competitive. Even with the best software, a company can be faced with increased costs, faulty processes and unmotivated teams.

This is where digital adoption platforms come into play: they allow organisations to measure employee usage of applications, identify areas for improvement and provide real-time guidance directly within each application.

In this webinar, Julia Miroshnikova from Userlane and Eric Medricky from ORBIS Switzerland will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to become a digital adoption expert in your organisation.

And the best thing about it? In just under an hour, you will learn how to eliminate digital friction in your company, avoid software waste and increase the productivity of your employees.

What you will learn from us in the webinar:

  • What digital adoption is and how it helps you realise the full potential of your software
  • What Userlane is and how you can use it to your advantage
  • How you can solve your organisation's software adoption challenges

Want to become a digital adoption expert in your organisation? Sign up directly here and let us know in the registration form what challenges you and your organisation are facing - so we can address them together in the webinar:

Tel.: +49 681 9924-0